Monday through Friday

My goal this week is to get a good, solid workout in all 5 days this week. For unexplained reasons, I have found myself in an every-other-day routine, and I don’t like it. I usually am consistent with fitting in work outs at least four or five of the weekdays which then gives me more flexibility during the weekend to workout one day and take one day off. That turns out to be 5-6 workouts a week which is what I like.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am now working from home. I have the ability to sleep in knowing that I can take a break in the middle of the day and go for a run or to the gym. Procrastination takes over and before I know it, work has swallowed up my day and it is time for me to start prepping dinner. When I was going into the office everyday I made it a priority to wake up and workout early because I knew that was the only time that worked for me.

To jump start my normal routine, I am going to strive for hitting all five days this week. Wish me luck!

3 thoughts on “Monday through Friday

  1. Good luck! Sounds great 🙂 Monday – Friday is usually my routine too and it works most of the time.

  2. Mish says:

    Get on it. Have fun.

  3. […] plenty of time for them to spend together! I am 2 for 2 so far this week on hitting my goal of fitting in fitness everyday this week. Two down, three to go! Possibly related posts: (automatically […]

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