Things I am Thankful For #2 – Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness are selfless acts performed for no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier. My mom taught me the power and importance of RAKs (pronounced racks). In my opinion there are not enough RAKs performed on a daily basis. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life we often forget to think of others and act selflessly. RAKs can be done for those you love most in life, or for complete strangers.

random-acts-of-kindness1I am not only thankful for RAKs that others do for me, but I love doing them for others, too. The feeling of doing something just because it will make someone smile is one of the best feelings in life. And it is so easy! I truly believe that it is the little things that matter most and are the most memorable. And in this day an age of trying to save a buck anyway we can, random acts of kindness are the best because they are so often free! We sometimes think the little things won’t matter – but those are what matter most.

Here are some general RAKs, but think about what will make the person feel special and cared about. A few weeks ago when I was in the shower, Aaron put my towels in the dryer and when I got out I had warm soft towels waiting for me. He remembered me telling him how much I liked that and he did it! Totally random, and totally kind!

1. Send a card to a friend just to say hi
2. Pay for the person behind you at the toll booth
3. Let someone with just a few items jump ahead of you in line at the grocery store
4. Compliment a total stranger.
5. Write hand written thank you notes
6. Pick up trash laying around
7. Give another driver your parking spot
8. Give your leftovers to someone in need
9. During the holidays, buy a cup of coffee for the Salvation Army volunteer outside the supermarket

Don’t force acts of kindness. Take time to listen and learn and observe the lives of those around you and it will come to you. With that said, if you spontaneously think of something great – just do it!

Don’t assume the people in your life truly know how you feel about them – remind them with random acts of kindness. They will most likely be inspired to pay it forward. This time of year is one of the best times to perform RAKs, so get to it!

4 thoughts on “Things I am Thankful For #2 – Random Acts of Kindness

  1. Jill Holliday says:

    I just did my RAK for today. I had a client in my office who is a Vietnam Veteran and has Deplitating PTSD from that war. He can no longer attend Verteran Day festivities because of the noise and gestures of appreciation. I told him I would be saying a thank you prayer for him next Wednesday and gave him a personal thank you for what he gave for us. The ability to make personal choices to better our lives. Oh, and by the way it sounds like I raised an amazing kid! Love, Jill

  2. Paula says:

    Love it! I’ve done the toll booth at Golden Gate Bridge when I lived in SF – it’s awesome and fun to do! 🙂 Great post…I need to be doing more of this now…thanks for reminding me/us.

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