Arrivaderci 2011

Putting my feelings about 2011 into words is really hard.  It was so a whirlwind year filled with the highest of highs and some really stressful lows, too.  2011 will forever be one of the best years of my life because it is the year I married the man of my dreams.

All the other bullshit (yes, a full curse word without all the asterisks is totally appropriate here) really doesn’t matter.  I choose to focus on the positive and all the wonderful things that happened this year.

Girls on the Run Summit in January – such an amazing and inspiring experience.  I am so excited to attend again in January in Tampa!

Wedding Dress Shopping with my Best Friends

I quit a job I was unhappy with and started working from home!

Aaron and I went on some fun adventures – camping, Lake Tahoe, Reno

I raced all over town – literally

I made my return to coaching Girls on the Run

We planned the wedding of our dreams.  I am so proud of the work we put into the wedding and that we did pretty much everything ourselves (with the help of Etsy, of course).  I am also pretty proud of how calm and collected I stayed through the whole thing.  I don’t think there were too many Bridezilla moments.  The result was the perfect day that I wouldn’t change one thing about!

I got to spend an incredible weekend in Napa with my best friends for my Bachelorette party.  I am one lucky girl.

Aaron and I honeymooned in beautiful Hawaii

Pretty awesome year, right?

I am hoping 2012 is a little more calm.  I don’t need a lot of excitement to be happy.  Fun things already on the horizon for 2012:

  • My best friend’s wedding and all the fun that goes along with that
  • Lots of races – 3 I am already registered for, and hopefully more

Cheers to a fabulous 2011 and an even better 2012.  Have fun and be safe out there!

One thought on “Arrivaderci 2011

  1. I LOVED spending much of 2011 with you, celebrating you and Aaron and your new life together. I am also looking forward to spending much of 2012 together (you were certainly at my dress shopping day in spirit!). Love you!

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