Five Years of Dating

February 9th is a special day – it is Aaron and my dating anniversary.  On February 9, 2007 Aaron asked me while we were out on a date, “So, when do I get to call you my girlfriend?”.  I responded with, “You can call me your girlfriend right now!”  We had been dating for a few weeks and had been loving spending time together.  We had already cooked for each other, been on a trip to Vegas and spent a lot of time together.

Here we are that crazy night in 2007.


So you might be asking, “Now that you are married, don’t you have a new anniversary?” We do, but we say, why not celebrate both?  We don’t really need an excuse to go out to a nice dinner and celebrate each other. Plus, since our anniversary is so close to Valentines Day, we chose to celebrate our Feb 9th anniversary in lieu of Valentines Day.

Today’s plan includes work, a couple’s trip to the gym, I will be coaching GOTR and then a fancy dinner out. Can’t wait to get gussied up (since I live in sweats or workout clothes most the time), try a new-to-us restaurant and spend some QT with my hubby.

Aaron is the best thing to ever happen to me, and after half a decade, I love him more than ever. He makes me laugh every day, makes me feel so special and he is a true partner. I couldn’t so what I do without him by my side! He truly is my best friend and I can’t wait for what is to come!

Have I managed to make you puke yet?  Happy Thursday!



2 thoughts on “Five Years of Dating

  1. Congratulations on five years together. I am all for more celebration of everything positive. Enough crappy stuff happens in life that I think it’s fun to appreciate and recognize the good stuff.

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