Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ever since we moved out of an apartment, Aaron and I have talked about planting an edible garden. I definitely don’t have what you would call a green thumb. But today was the day we bit the bullet and gave it a shot. We figured we didn’t have anything to lose.

We headed over to the nursery this afternoon with a list of the supplies we would need and a rough idea of the veggies we wanted to give a try first.

We left with

  • 3 types of tomatoes – Roma, Cherry, and Heirloom
  • Poblano peppers
  • Summer squash
  • Tomatillos
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
We also grabbed some tomato cages, planting mix, a rake, plant food and some spray to keep the critters away without poisoning ourselves.
When we got home, we got to work prepping the soil
Laying netting down that will help keep weeds away.
And then planting the herbs and veggies.
We watered everything well and now are just keeping our fingers crossed. I am so excited to see our tomato plants grow as tall as me and to eat veggies we grew ourselves. Each tomato plant we bought cost $2. It is crazy to imagine spending $2 on a plant that will yield more tomatoes than we can eat. We spend at least $3 a week on tomatoes now. Keep your fingers crossed. I will be sure to update the progress!


Dear Tampa

Dear Tampa,

You have amazing sunsets.


You were not as humid as I had expected (although I will not be back in July or August).

Your road system is not cool. The stoplights are sooooo long and there is zero warning that a regular 2 lane city street is going to turn into a hiway that will take you miles and miles in the wrong direction. At least that’s what I hear, I totally never got lost 😉

I loved how conveniently located your airport is and how effecient your rental car system is. I left my hotel at 7am and was able to get gas in the car, drop off my rental car, walk to the terminal, check my bag, print my boarding pass, take the tram to the terminal, go through security, get a coffee at Starbucks and be at my gate by 7:45.

Pretty nice except that my flight wasn’t until 9:25 and I hate sitting around at the airport. Oh well.

Flying from one side of the country to the other is FAR!

A Modernation Christmas

In our family, Christmas lasts 3 days – so this Christmas post is a little delayed.  This year Christmas was a true Modernation affair.  We did everything in moderation, even moderation.  I started the festivities off with a 5K run on a 25 degree Christmas Eve morning.


We spent the day making our food gifts and then went to my aunt’s for dinner with my mom’s side of the family.

Christmas day is now a day for Aaron and I relax in sweats just the two of us (plus the fur babies).  We took the dog for chilly walk and then came home for present unwrapping and breakfast.


This year we went with the no-cook breakfast which was such a good idea.  I put together this delicious smoked salmon platter while Aaron made a fire.  We were able to leisurely breakfast and no one had to slave over the stove.


As usual, Aaron got me such thoughtful gifts – including these beautiful new sunglasses!


And I am excited for Aaron to break in my gift for him – a Weber Smoker!


In the afternoon we went over to our friends’ house for a couple hours.  The weather was so nice – we were hanging out outside by the firepit.  Love that!


Christmas night, we had a delicious dinner that we tag teamed.  Aaron grilled a rack of lamb and made a chimichuri and salad while I whipped up some homemade blue cheese risotto. It was so delicious we ate it before any photos were taken!

Monday is the day we celebrate our Italian Christmas with my Dad’s side of the family.  After a quick workout at the gym, we headed to Napa for the day to feast on crab, clams, and mussels and open gifts from our Secret Santas.

This photo of me and my grandfather from the wedding is one of my favorites.  He was really happy we gave him a framed copy!

My secret santa really went all out for me.  We got the Ravioli Maker and Pasta Press attachments for the Kitchen Aid mixer.  So excited to play!

I am pretty proud that over the 3 days of Christmas I managed to get a good hard workout in twice, and did something active each of the days.  That is pretty impressive because snuggling on the couch in sweats is so much easier!

Christmas Eve Doggie 5k

Merry Christmas Eve!!! We have had a full day already.  It was COLD this morning. 25 degrees which is super cold for Sacramento.  But the sun was out and there was not a rain cloud in sight.

While Aaron went to the grocery store to pick up some last minute items, Cash and I bundled up for our own little Christmas Eve 5K.


Look at that icy grass!

What a beautiful course. Hehe – its our awesome neighborhood. 




We saw lots of people out running, walking and biking.  Multiple people commented on what a happy dog Cash was which made me a happy momma.

When we got back Aaron and I got started on finishing our edible Christmas gifts. Each year we make a different Foodie gift to give our family and friends. We have made flavored olive oil, BBQ sauce, salsa, and pickles in the past. You will have to wait until after Christmas for this year’s reveal but it’s good!

We may have sung along to Christmas music while drinking pom mimosas during the process.


Now the presents are wrapped and we are ready for Christmas.  To my aunt’s house tonight!


Aloha From 33,000 Feet



We are currently in route to Hawaii for our honeymoon!  An on time flight, extra leg room and champagne makes the 5 hour flight not so bad.